




An Open Letter to all (Indian) Parents

An Open Letter to all (Indian) Parents

An Open Letter to all (Indian) Parents

An Open Letter to all (Indian) Parents

An Open Letter to all (Indian) Parents

May 21, 2024

Picture Courtesy:

Dear Parents,
We know it’s frowned upon in society,
But why do you not express your love for each other publically?
Just so you know, you do have permission to be affectionate unabashedly,
What a thing to believe while growing up
that tight-knit marriages can last a lifetime!
And if not that, people separating from each other
to pursue their happiness or individual paths is not a crime.
We know you might be scared of spoiling us,
But a template for strong relationships is the biggest gift you can give us.

Dear Parents,
We know that you’ve seen so much scarcity,
You’ve probably experienced what it’s like to sleep hungry,
So, for you, our stability is of utmost priority.
You yearn for us to excel and do well for ourselves.
But, grades are not everything and life is not a race.
So, please don’t compare us to your siblings’, or friends’ children.

Instead of insisting we only consider the safest career option
or optimize for guaranteed salary on the first of every month,
and pension after retirement,
Help us chart the paths that align with our destiny. Let us write our true stories.
Hopefully, when we pursue what we love, we’ll figure out how to make money.
Teach us how to bounce back from life’s chaos and frenzy.
Don’t pamper us, (Mom). Allow us to fail and make our share of mistakes.

Dear Parents,
We know these lessons got subconsciously etched in your heart,
But, understand that your kids can be poles apart.
One could be an extrovert and the other an introvert.
One can be artistic and the other a complete misfit,
So, it won’t harm to customize your parenting styles.
Truth be told, all we ask of you is don’t force fit us into an existing mold.
(Mom), accept us as who we are and what we’re made of,
even if we ever come out as a homosexual.

Dear Parents,
We know you love us unconditionally.
But loving doesn’t mean becoming so dependent on us emotionally
that you forget how to delight in your company,
Or take time out to care for yourselves physically or mentally.
If we don’t see you prioritize yourselves and your needs,
How will we incorporate the same when we grow up?
How will we look out and be there for ourselves as adults?

Why not pick some hobbies? Start a small business,
like baking cookies and pastries?
Travel to the world’s top ten countries?
How about taking up dance or exercise? Pursue all the dreams you couldn’t as a child?
It’s never too late to learn, why always wait for us to have some fun?

Dear Parents,
We know that you want to protect us and our safety is important to you,
But how will we learn to survive in this world,
If you impose so many restrictions and strict curfews?
Someday, we will go alone into the world and leave this safety net.
So, can you raise us to be more confident and embody self-defense?
Dad, can you impart lessons on financial independence and frameworks
to make important life decisions?

And when we come home with our own opinions, can you not take them so personally?
Can you not impose your religious or political beliefs?
Can it be a reality that we discuss anything openly but eventually agree to disagree?
Can you accept that you could sometimes be wrong as a possibility?
Like how you sometimes do things only to show off,
Or (mom) you buy expensive gifts for people you don’t care about?

Dear Parents,
Why keep pressurizing us to settle down before thirty?
Why do you feel it’s your responsibility to choose who we marry?
You might not always know what’s best for us. Why not treat us like a grown-up?
Let us take space to learn more about our choices, and our preferences.
Give us some agency so that we feel free to travel through crushes,
relationships, commitment, or heartbreak.
Instil in us to look beyond caste or religion in our life partners.
Please don’t emotionally blackmail us, or compel us to sacrifice our love
For your ego, image, and place within your community.

Dear Parents,
You might have been conditioned this way,
But don’t encourage us to develop fake bonds with relatives you dislike,
Show us how to maintain deep bonds with people who stand by us in difficult times.
As far as toxic people go, teach us how to establish strong boundaries
and have difficult conversations.
(Dad), lead by example and don’t let egos destroy precious connections.

We know you don’t feel the same way about money,
Why do you become hysterical when we spend on things that matter truly?
But are you perfectly okay to accumulate your hard-earned capital for our weddings or dowry?
Can you not ask us a hundred questions when we invest in your comfort and buy you insurance?
And not throw a tantrum when we send you for regular health checkups to the doctors?

Dear Parents,
We know you were doing all of this for the first time, and you gave your all.
Just know we’re grateful for all the sacrifices you put in and the values you passed on.
We will see you as humans and not put you on a pedestal.
Forgive you for your errors and acknowledge your efforts.
You’ve invested so much in us growing up, let’s reap the ROI of that together.
But, for that to happen, we will have to communicate better.

You know it also won’t hurt to asset your love verbally,
Or bestow a compliment or two upon us, (Dad).
And the next time there’s an uncomfortable tension at hand.
Let’s plan to address it head-on.
Anyway, tell me why is this aura even present around you?
What difference does it make if we fear sharing the truth?

But, we promise to train ourselves to move beyond our arguments and see your context.
We’ll learn how to listen more and be more patient.
What we want from both of you is to show us your truth.
Try becoming more vulnerable with us.
Tell us your stories and experiences that made you, YOU.
Would that be alright?
Please start confiding in us about things that keep you up at night!

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