




WTF is Love?! - Part 2

WTF is Love?! - Part 2

WTF is Love?! - Part 2

WTF is Love?! - Part 2

WTF is Love?! - Part 2

May 21, 2024

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Love is Romance.

Love feels like falling too deep, 
It’s having the ground swept off beneath your feet,
It’s dancing with them to their favorite tune under the moon. It’s about kissing them in the candlelight, 
Or suddenly cuddling them after a pillow fight,
It’s reading to each other before sleeping at night, 
Or staring at their absurd selfies when they are out of sight. 
It’s those butterflies in your stomach, that you can never get enough of.
It’s thinking they’re so beautiful when they wake up in the morning.
It’s surprising them in the middle of a sentence, with a peck on their forehead, 
Or getting them breakfast in bed. It’s sacred. 

It’s cuddling after that heated, passionate sex in the shower, 
Or holding their hands as you walk on the streets at random hours, 
It’s resting on their lap and reading them books you devour. It’s learning and practicing their love language. 
It’s getting dressed up and going on date nights regularly,
It is constantly striving to make your ordinary days extraordinary,
by intentionally creating sweet and ever-lasting memories, 
because, with the right person, love feels like rhyming poetry.
It’s remembering to forever stay young at heart. 
How would you love it if you don’t fill your life with romance, jazz, and art?

Love is also this.

Love is kindness. It’s about having patience when your partner doesn’t make any sense.
Love is trying your best to be nice to them when you feel so frustrated, 
It’s practicing to find them cute when they get on your nerves. 
It’s about sensing their discomfort and being thoughtful with gestures.
It’s performing tiny acts of service like giving a foot massage or brewing a hot cup of coffee that they deserve. 

It’s creating a system and a set of rules that work for both of you efficiently. Love is sacrifice. It’s doing things that you don’t fancy. 
It’s sometimes letting them have their way, even if it makes you uneasy. 
The prize? A certain someone you can rely on all your life. 
And guess what? The benefits accumulate. But love can be nuanced as adult relationships are complicated, they say. 
After all, feelings are not black or white but rather a shade of grey.
When life gets in the middle, or we get swooped with other dreams or desires,
It’s figuring out how to stay attracted to your person or keep the fire alive.

Love is really special when you have strong fundamentals.
But, when nothing seems to work, it’s about having faith.
It’s surrendering to the universe, hoping it will put you in the correct place. 
Love can turn your world upside down. 
You don’t get to choose who you fall in love with. 
But you do get to choose who you build the rest of your life with.
How else do you describe the precious bond between two souls? 
What is love if not an anchor that pulls you toward your home?

In the words of Louis de Bernières,
"See when you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots are to become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement. It is not lying awake at night imagining him kissing every part of your body. I am telling you some truths. For that is just being in love; which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away. Doesn’t sound very exciting, does it? But it is. It is both an art and an unfortunate accident."

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